Protecting Your Company Brand is Topic of Lunch & Learn Event at Frederick Innovative Technology Center, Inc.
As reported in the Business/Business Briefs section of The Frederick News-Post (Wednesday, March 18, 2015), George W. Cox of IP & Business Law Counseling, LLC will provide a basic understanding of trademark law at a lunch from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. on April 15 at the Frederick Innovative Technology Center, Inc. (Frederick’s business incubator). Brands are distinctive identifiers and associated elements that distinguish a company’s products and services from its competitors’ products and services. Brands add value to a business by enhancing consumer awareness and improving customer loyalty. Brand elements (for example, names and logos) may be protected by trademarks. Trademarks can be used to strengthen a brand and prevent unauthorized third party use. Thus, trademarks are often one of a business’s most valuable assets. Participants at the Lunch & Learn event titled “Protecting Your Brand Through Trademark Registration” will learn how to protect words, phrases, symbols, designs and other elements through trademark registration. Lunch will be provided. RSVP to Renee Wilson at 301-694-2999.