Portions of this posting have been excerpted from Corporate Counsel (http://www.law.com/corporatecounsel/PubArticleFriendlyCC.jsp?id=1202608206884). A director of a corporation owes certain fiduciary duties to the corporation and its stockholders. The duties include a duty of loyalty and a duty of care. A director must perform his or her duties as a director in good faith, in a manner he or she reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the corporation, and...
Did you know that big or frequent changes in your company can result in increased incidences of employee misbehavior? According to a research report titled “Managing Misconduct During Career Moments: Reinforcing Ethics in a High-Change Environment” (published by The Corporate Executive Board Company (CEB)), changes in employees’ work environment (“career moments”) can disrupt established patterns of workplace behavior and increase the risk of misconduct (including...
Portions of this posting have been excerpted from Corporate Counsel (http://www.law.com/corporatecounsel/PubArticleFriendlyCC.jsp?id=1202603185802). In an original article from Corporate Counsel titled “Employee Social Media Accounts are Private—Sometimes,” the author discusses situations in which an employer may gain access to private information contained in an employee’s social media account. A growing body of state law prevents companies from asking employees...
Genes cannot be patented. Following oral argument on April 15, 2013 in Assoc. for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc. (see my April 25th blog post), the United States Supreme Court unanimously held yesterday (June 13, 2013) that a sequence of DNA molecules isolated from its natural state is not eligible for patent protection. The Court held that a naturally occurring segment of DNA is a product of nature and not eligible for patent protection simply because it...